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In the media

We get loads of press and often forget to load the stories in - and save them as many expire. But here are some.

Our all-time fave story and a good clip to explain what we do: ABC Landline - Kitchen Kindness first aired 22/3/14

2019 Bushfires Qld

2015 - Love to the West

ABC News ~ Baked Relief campaign Love to the West offers sweet relief to drought-stricken Queenslanders 

ABC Rural Press Club 

Article ABC News


Spencer ABC Brisbane Radio 15/4/14 Royal Visit

Queensland Country Life Anzacs for Anzac Day 15/4/14

Karen Emmott - Bringing Baked Relief to Western Qld

The Weekend Edition 13/2/14

ABC News 15/2/14

ABC Radio - Mayor 18/2/14

Murgon Bakers 21/3/14

Chrissy Arthur Love to the West

Toowoomba Chronicle 14/3/14