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Food safety

Our most commonly asked questions relate to the importance of safe food handling practices. In today's society, regulations are in place to ensure a high standard of safe food preparation, storage & distribution when food is being provided by organisations/businesses.  

Baked Relief has very careful Food Safety strategies and we have qualified Food Safety Supervisors in our admin team. Here in Queensland we (and our volunteer bakers) are exempt from the Food Safety Act 2006 :

"1. The sale, by a non-profit organisation, of unpackaged food that is not a meal, is also exempt from licensing. This includes the sale of food usually sold at sausage sizzles, fetes, raffles and pie drives."

We ask that all keen home bakers follow some simple, common sense guidelines:

  • Wash hands before food preparation.

  • Check ingredient 'best before' & 'use by' dates carefully.

  • Avoid contact with 'allergens' (e.g. peanuts if you are making nut-free items).

  • Use new, clean storage containers.

  • For crisis / flood clean up projects - individually wrap items, even the washed fruit to be wrapped in plastic to avoid contamination from hands. Pack some hand sanitiser if you plan to head out on the streets.

  • Prepare baked goods that will keep and travel well in the Queensland climate (e.g. Anzac biscuits, fruit cake). Experience has shown that some cakes, muffins & cupcakes go moldy or stale very quickly and are unsuitable for Baked Relief projects where we are mailing them or sending them over transport.

  • Label your baking with a complete list of ingredients. Quantities are not required. This is to help people with allergies identify if your baking is safe for them.

  • Include a note of love and support to the person receiving the item. They love to know someone out there is thinking of them. “Love from Baked Relief” so they know how to get back in contact and we can post their notes to us to share with you all.

We know that you'll put as much love and care into your food preparation as you would if you were preparing it for your own family to eat.