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Meal Plans

Easing mental load one meal at a time.


Download the meal plans and tips and tricks documents

As heard on ABC612 Brisbane with Rebecca Levingston (go to 25 mins +) you may have heard about my Term Meal plans.
I am happy to share them but please understand there will be some typos and mistakes as I have all this information in my head! I am happy to take advice on how this could be better in the future for you all.

Best bit now is that my husband has a full document that I can hand him and he can just ‘get on with the plan’ Let’s see how that goes!

Use this guide as inspiration of how you can spend a few hours a term to plan out the next 10 or so weeks.
This was put together based on my plans for Term 1 (and a bit) but use this as inspiration for how you put your meal plan together with your family favourite / simple mid week meals.
I have given you lots of my mid week favorite meals in the Tips and Tricks document.
If you go to Excel you should be able to download a calendar template and input your own plans.

If you do end up using the plans, I encourage you to make a donation to the following as ‘pay it forward’ contribution to my work.

Qld Country Women’s Association
Public Rural Crisis Fund

QCWA Public Rural Crisis Fund
BSB: 064 000
Account Number: 1460 3729

Reference code: Your surname and initials (e.g. Smith, IB) or company name

When you have made your donation, please email your details to so we can send you a tax deductible receipt



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